Advanced Training - Custom Shortcodes - Module 3


Video Timings

Lesson 1 - Replaceable Parameters for Shortcodes - Starts :46 Ends 6:29
Lesson 2 - Default Parameters for Shortcodes - Starts 6:32 Ends 11:30
Bonus - YouTube Responsive Player with Configurable Autoplay & Looping - Starts 11:36 Ends 23:30


Promised custom shortcode language for the YouTube Responsive Player

Link to download the code: YouTubeResponsivePlayer-Code


  1. Downlaod the code file from the link above
  2. Adjust default values to your preferences
  3. Copy the code into the content area of the custom shortcode editor.
  4. Give the custom shortcode a title and save it.
  5. Enjoy!

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